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Research Achievement




  • Uemura K, Kamitani T, Watanabe A, Okamoto H, Yamada M: Association between community-level health literacy and frailty in community-dwelling older adults. Aging Clin Exp Res 2023, 35(6):1253-1261.

  • Uemura K, Kamitani T, Yamada M: Frailty and Environmental Attributes in Older Adults: Insight from an Ecological Model. Phys Ther Res 2023, 26(3):71-77.

  • Ishii H, Okubo Y, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Kurita S, Uemura K, Misu S, Sawa R, Hashiguchi Y et al: Effect of driving training on car crashes and driving skills in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2023, 23(11):771-778.

  • 野初恵, 高田望, 森優太, 上村一貴, 片田裕子: 糖尿病患者のフットケアを実践する看護師の学習ニーズ―糖尿病足病変の指導に係る適切な研修受講者を対象とした質的研究―. 日本フットケア・足病医学会誌 2023, 4(2):100-107.



  • Uemura K, Iwamoto T, Hiromatsu M, Watanabe A, Okamoto H: Objectively-measured out-of-home behavior and physical activity in rural older adults. Geriatr Nurs 2022, 47:18-22.

  • Wang Z, Meng Z, Saho K, Uemura K, Nojiri N, Meng L: Deep learning-based elderly gender classification using Doppler radar. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2022, 26(4):1067-1079.



Uemura K, Watanabe A, Kamitani T, Yamada M, Saho K, Okamoto H: Feasibility of active learning health education by video conferencing among older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2021, 21(11):1064-1066.

Uemura K, Yamada M, Okamoto H: The Effectiveness of an Active Learning Program in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle among Older Adults with Low Health Literacy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Gerontology 2021, 67(1):25-35.

Uemura K, Kamitani T, Yamada M, Okamoto H: Longitudinal Effects of Active Learning Education on Lifestyle Behavior and Physical Function in Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2021, 22(2):459-463.

Uemura K, Yamada M, Kuzuya M, Okamoto H: Effects of Active Learning Education on Arterial Stiffness of Older Adults with Low Health Literacy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Atheroscler Thromb 2021, 28(8):865-872.

上村一貴, 山田実, 紙谷司, 渡邉敦也, 岡本啓: 高齢者のヘルスリテラシーが2年後のフレイルの有無に及ぼす影響―前向きコホート研究―. 日本老年医学会雑誌 2021, 58(1):101-110.

•Saho K, Sugano K, Kita M, Uemura K, Matsumoto M: Classification of Health Literacy and Cognitive Impairments Using Higher-Order Kinematic Parameters of the Sit-to-Stand Movement From a Monostatic Doppler Radar. IEEE Sensors Journal 2021, 21(8):10183-10192.

•Umegaki H, Uemura K, Makino T, Hayashi T, Cheng XW, Kuzuya M: Association of fear of falling with cognitive function and physical activity in older community-dwelling adults. Eur Geriatr Med 2021, 12(1):99-106.

•Saho K, Sugano K, Uemura K, Matsumoto M: Screening of apathetic elderly adults using kinematic information in gait and sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit movements measured with Doppler radar. Health Informatics J 2021, 27(1):1460458221990051.

•Fujita K, Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Hayashi T, Inoue A, Uno C, Kitada T, Huang CH, Shimada H, Kuzuya M: Short- and long-term effects of different exercise programs on the gait performance of older adults with subjective cognitive decline: A randomized controlled trial. Exp Gerontol 2021, 156:111590.



Uemura K, Doi T, Tsutsumimoto K, Nakakubo S, Kim MJ, Kurita S, Ishii H, Shimada H: Predictivity of bioimpedance phase angle for incident disability in older adults. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2020, 11(1):46-54.

Huang CH, Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Hayashi T, Kitada T, Inoue A, Shimada H, Kuzuya M: Effect of various exercises on frailty among older adults with subjective cognitive concerns: a randomised controlled trial. Age Ageing, 49(6):1011-1019.

Huang CH, Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Hayashi T, Kitada T, Inoue A, Shimada H, Kuzuya M: Effect of Various Exercises on Intrinsic Capacity in Older Adults With Subjective Cognitive Concerns. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 5:S1525-8610(20)30570-3.

•Saho K, Uemura K, Fujimoto M, Matsumoto M: Evaluation of Higher-Level Instrumental Activities of Daily Living via Micro-Doppler Radar Sensing of Sit-to-Stand-to-Sit Movement. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med 2020, 8:2100211.

•Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Shimada H, Cheng XW, Dodge H, Kuzuya M: Falls in community-dwelling prefrail older adults. Health Soc Care Community 2020, 28(1):110-115.

Nojiri N, Meng Z, Saho K, Duan Y, Uemura K, Aravinda CV, Prabhu GA, Shimakawa H, Meng L: Apathy Classification Based on Doppler Radar Image for the Elderly Person. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 2020, 8:553847.


上村一貴(分担執筆). 4. 高齢者の身体活動促進に対するアプローチ, 事例集:運動継続を目指したアプローチ, 池添冬芽 編「Crosslink理学療法学テキスト 高齢者理学療法学」. メジカルビュー社, 東京, 2020年2月, pp.254-264, 385-387.



Uemura K, Doi T, Lee S, Shimada H: Sarcopenia and Low Serum Albumin Level Synergistically Increase the Risk of Incident Disability in Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2019, 20(1):90-93.

Uemura K, Yamada M, Okamoto H: Association of bioimpedance phase angle and prospective falls in older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019, 19(6):503-507.

上村一貴,山田実,佐保賢志,岡本啓: 生体電気インピーダンス法によるPhase angle と高齢者の身体活動レベルの関連. 理学療法学 2019, 46(3):143-151.

上村一貴,山田実,岡本啓: 高齢者の介護予防を目的としたアクティブ・ ラーニング型健康教育の地域実践 ─住民主体による取り組み─. 理学療法学 2019, 46(6):275-282.

•Saho K, Uemura K, Sugano K, Matsumoto M: Using Micro-Doppler Radar to Measure Gait Features Associated with Cognitive Functions in Elderly Adults. IEEE Access 2019, 7: 24122-24131.

•菅野功貴,佐保賢志,上村一貴,松本三千人: ドップラーレーダを用いた遠隔歩行計測による認知処理速度の評価. 電子情報通信学会論文誌B 2019, J102-B(2):162-165.

•沖中宏彰,佐保賢志,藤本雅大,呉政賢,菅野功貴,馬杉正男,上村一貴,松本三千人: マイクロドップラーレーダを用いた若年者と高齢者の歩容判別. 電子情報通信学会論文誌A 2019, J102-A(5):167-170.



Uemura K, Yamada M, Okamoto H: Effects of Active Learning on Health Literacy and Behavior in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Geriatr Soc 2018, 66(9):1721-1729.

Uemura K, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H: The impact of sarcopenia on incident homebound status among community-dwelling older adults: A prospective cohort study. Maturitas 2018, 113:26-31.

Uemura K, Makizako H, Lee S, Doi T, Lee S, Tsutsumimoto K, Shimada H: Behavioral protective factors of increased depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults: A prospective cohort study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2018, 33(2):e234-e241.

上村一貴,山田実,岡本啓: フレイル予防に向けたアクティブ・ラーニング型健康教育介入の効果 高齢者を対象としたランダム化比較試験. 理学療法学 2018, 45(4):209-217.

上村一貴,山田実,葛谷雅文,岡本啓: 地域在住高齢者のヘルスリテラシーと動脈硬化リスク. 日本老年医学会雑誌 2018, 55(4):605-611.

•Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Shimada H, Cheng XW, Kuzuya M: Objectively measured physical activity and cognitive function in urban-dwelling older subjects. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2018, 18(6):922-928.

•Umegaki H, Makino T, Uemura K, Shimada H, Hayashi T, Cheng XW, Kuzuya M: Association between insulin resistance and objective measurement of physical activity in community-dwelling older adults without diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2018, 143:267-274.


上村一貴(分担執筆). 介入効果の検証・名義尺度・高齢者,介入効果の検証・順序尺度・高齢者, 山田実 編著「メディカルスタッフのためのひと目で選ぶ統計手法」. 羊土社, 東京, 2018年6月, pp.82-83, 90-91

上村一貴(分担執筆). Q20. 認知症とうつの関連を教えてください,Q58. 認知症と転倒の関連について教えてください,Q59. 認知症者の転倒の危険を把握するための評価方法を教えてください, 島田裕之 監修,牧迫飛雄馬 編著「理学療法士のための知っておきたい!認知症知識Q&A」. 医歯薬出版株式会社, 東京, 2018年5月, pp.40-41, 120-123

上村一貴(分担執筆), 内山靖. 第2章 解剖学・生理学・運動学に基づく様々な動作の分析と統合, 5. ステップと跨ぎ, 奈良勲 編著「解剖学・生理学・運動学に基づく動作分析」. 医歯薬出版株式会社, 東京, 2018年1月, pp.188-199

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